Functional Fit Teens Fitness

Functional Fit Teens Fitness

There’s a myth that growing bodies shouldn’t participate in strength training – and we’re here to dispel it! Combining cardio work with resistance training, our carefully managed teen workouts help young people develop an appreciation for the benefits of exercise, while sharing fun and laughs with their friends in a safe and supportive environment.

The functional fit teens program at 38X Fitness has great options for your teen to keep them active. Physical activity has so many benefits and they aren’t just all physical…

Not only does it help
Maintain strong muscles, bones and joints

Enhancing physical performance and reducing the risk of injuries during sports or everyday activities

Improve motor coordination and various motor performance skills

Ensuring efficient and confident movement in both sports and daily tasks

Help achieve and maintain a healthy body

Regular exercise helps in managing weight, promoting overall wellness, and improving immune system and cardiovascular health


More importantly, many studies have also shown that physical activity can help teens:

Build self-esteem and positive self-image

Encouraging personal growth, goal achievement, and a sense of accomplishment

Improve quantity and quality of sleep

Establishing a healthy sleep routine, reducing stress, and increasing daytime productivity

Encourage further positive development of interpersonal skills

Enhancing teamwork, communication, and leadership abilities essential for success in various aspects of life

Improve school attendance and academic performance

Boosting focus, concentration and memory, leading to better academic performance and motivation to attend school

Build self-esteem and positive self-image

Encouraging personal growth, goal achievement, and a sense of accomplishment

Improve quantity and quality of sleep

Establishing a healthy sleep routine, reducing stress, and increasing daytime productivity

Encourage further positive development of interpersonal skills

Enhancing teamwork, communication, and leadership abilities essential for success in various aspects of life

Improve school attendance and academic performance

Boosting focus, concentration and memory, leading to better academic performance and motivation to attend school

Functional Teens Fitness

Mondays METCON
thursdaysBOXING (equipment supplied however student will need to purchase or bring inners for hygiene)

Great news! We now accept the NSW Active Kids Voucher for this program.

If you choose a 10 pass, they are able to book into any workout that they wish from the above, and it is possible to change days each week should your schedule require. We want to make it as easy as possible to help keep them active.


If you are interested in joining or have any questions regarding either program please contact us. Also if you know of any teens that are interested please let them know they are welcome to come along any time for a free initial trial session.